चलिए जानते हैं TRP full form in Hindi एवं TRP Hindi Meaning. यह एक तकनीक है या हम इसे एक टूल भी बोल सकते है जिससे यह जाना जा सकता है की कौन सा TV channel ज्यादा देखा गया है या कौनसा TV Serial ज्यादा popular है।
TRP full form Hindi में होता है Television Rating Point या Target Rating Point भी कहते है।
इसका मुख्य उद्देश्य है TV serial की लोकप्रियता को पता करना। Advertisement या विज्ञापन के views भी इसी माध्यम से पता किये जाते है।[toc]
TRP full form in Hindi
टेलीविजन रेटिंग प्वाइंट या लक्ष्य रेटिंग बिंदु
TRP calculation method
TRP = Reach among target audience (%) x Average frequency.
TRP full form in English
Television Rating Point
TRP’s full form is given above. This is a system to calculate the views of TV serials and advertisements. Television (Target) Rating Point is the meaning of TRP which is very useful. It comes in a TV set which is already installed and it calculates the advertisement as well as TV serial. TRP is calculated in 30 days always (however it is not mandatory). The highest rating point’s receiver TV show is called the most popular TV show.