WhatsApp status in English for different category

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In this topic I will let you know some WhatsApp status in English which will be in one or two line, Mostly. I know today we use Whatsapp more than Facebook. Both are free message service. And WhatsApp has been acquired by Facebook on very high value of money.

Youth’s are showing their feeling’s by their status on What’s App. That’s why, Today I am writing about WhatsApp status English.

Given below all status will be in different category.WhatsApp

WhatsApp status in English with different category

  1. I promise no matter what happens I will be there. With You
  2. Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.
  3. Life is beautiful and enjoy every movement of the life.:-) 😊
  4. I m careless😂
  5. Do wat u luv😍😉Nd luv wat u do..🎈🎈
  6. The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said…

Attitude Status in English

  1. My attitude will always be based on how you treat me
  2. SMILE ….. It irritates those who wish to destroy you…😄

Happy Status in English

  1. Happy Sunday😂😛
  2. If you give happiness to others😀 that will come back to you 😄😋

Romantic WhatsApp status in English

  1. My real smile comes when I am with you!😊

Inspiration WhatsApp status in English

  1. Work hard in silence and let the success make noise
  2. Work like as if there is someone working 24 hours to take everything away from you…

आप भी अपना WhatsApp Status इस लेख में टिपण्णी के माध्यम से चाप सकते है जोकि बहुत ही सरल है। बस नीचे दिए हुए कमेंट में अपना नाम, ईमेल एवं WhatsApp सन्देश लिखकर जमा कर सकते है।

In English

You can also submit your own WhatsApp status in any language.

But how???

It’s very simple. Use comment system which is given below. Just type your name, email, website which is optional and your WhatsApp status. That’s It!

अधिक एवं लैटस्ट जानकारी के लिए हमारे WhatsApp चैनल को जॉइन करें। क्लिक करें -

प्रणाम, मेरा नाम नितिन है एवं में कार, बाइक, स्कूटर, इलेक्ट्रिक वाहन, एवं अन्य गाड़ी से संबंधित नवीन लेख लिखता हूँ। इसके अलावा में अन्य तरह के लेख भी इस वेबसाईट पर पब्लिश करता रहता हूँ।

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